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Monday, March 28, 2005

Vacation time

Hey there all, well me and a few friends are going to be taking off for a little holiday. We are going to go down to Osaka and visit a friend of our and visit a few nice cities like kyoto. we will be there for 4 days and then we will be going to tokyo for a week. Im really looking forward to this holiday as its been awhile since we got anytime off and we are all very tried and its going to be great time for us all to get our energy back so we will be ready to work when we get back.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Thank you party

The other night we had a big thank you party for all the locals in the area where we live. Most people head home for the summer time as the snow is gone and most people just live here for the winter season so we just wanted to say thank you to everyone for the work that they put into the community. We had about 40-50 people show up. we did some snowboarding out side in out back yard and then everyone came in for soup and sushi and drinks. While we were eating a girl yuko shared her testimony to everyone witch was really cool b/c most of these people have never heard about God at all before. After the testemony time we just hung out and talk with everyone and just played games. Please pray for these people as some of them we have been able to make great connections with over the winter season and have been able to share tons of what we belive with them but now they are all heading home. please pray that God will put other people in there lives where to live to continue that work that has been started.
For picture of the night look below. Thanks tons love Randall

Thank you party

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Searving up some Japanese soup
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Little bit of masked fighting
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getting into the boxing
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Me and some of my local japanese friends
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the pose down
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chilling out eating soup and sushi

Saturday, March 12, 2005

boarder cross comp

Well today i was in a boardercross compation that was heald at our local mountain, we normally go in them to show north stars support for the mountain and to also get to meet other locals in our community. Me and my friend Seth went in the comp and Seth placed first and i placed second so we did pretty good.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Good times

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Driving back from the city, a few ballons is always a good way to kill some time.
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In the post office, just fooling around.

thursday night worship

I just want to update you about the people you have been praying for. we have a worship night every thursday night if we are not busy and lattly we have had many non believers coming out and really enjoying it. Tonight we had 3 people come and one girl that became a christian last year shared her testimony and it really impacted the other 3, even to tears. So it is very visable that God is moving right now and i would ask you to contine to pray for kyo, naho, hiro, magumi and hanna. Thank you for your prayers and me these interested people come to know the lord in his time.

Friday, March 04, 2005


Hey there well i need all your help, i some how ended up deleting every e-mail i have off my address book so i pretty much have no way to contact anyone so if you read this please send me a whats up e-mail so that i will have your adress saved. Thank you

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Prayer requests

Hi there, well i just wanted to ask you all if you could pray for a few things. one is health for me and the rest of northstar staff as many of us are fun down with colds and its making us all very tried. Also we have been having great conntact with a group of local kids and last night we were able to share pretty much everything we believe, we have them all thinking and were hoping that there salvation with come very soon. some of these people have been working though things for two years. pray specifically for Kyo and myumi as they are very very interested and just need to take the next step.
Thank you very much for your prayers.

Snowboard comp pics

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This is after the comp giving away prizes
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Another pic from after the comp
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One of our fire pits that kept us warm during night
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Anthony and mikey, our two youngest riders they won a snowboard for being the best two groms
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Little mikey hitting up the up down box